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A "heart-warming collection"
As my children were growing, I was recording. Recording both in word and with photography, moments that are pretty much universal. Quiet moments in a family that may seem mundane, but truly have meaning. Many families can relate to the stories I have told. Many have enjoyed stopping and looking at these moments and seeing something of themselves or their own families in them.

Here's what readers have said about this hard-cover, full-color, coffee-table book:

"With warmth, wit and wisdom, the author takes us into the heart and soul of the family. With poetry, prose and delightful photographs, she explores the valleys and peaks of life and makes her reader an intimate part of it." -- Joan Caldwell, Oregon

"These articulate expressions paint a beautiful, realistic and heartfelt landscape of life, love and family. 'In This Together' is a source of renewed hope for tomorrow and joy for today." -- Elena Robinson, Texas

"This heart-warming collection of stories, poems and photographs captures the magic of real 'family.' Some are touching, some are funny, all are genuine." -- Lori Odhner, California

"Louise has a gift for capturing the essence of seemingly trivial moments of motherhood and exposing through them the true meaning of life. 'In This Together' not only warms the heart but stirs the soul. It's written with candor, perspective and wisodm. A heart-warming read!" -- Julie C. Egan, Utah